“Painting is just another way of keeping a diary.”

         -Pablo Picasso

Art therapy is a creative way to express yourself when it’s challenging to do so verbally. It is a form of psychotherapy in which art materials are used to communicate, explore, and understand emotions and experiences. It can be used to help people cope with stress, trauma, anxiety, depression, and other psychological issues. Art therapy can also be used to explore creativity and self-expression, as well as personal growth and development. This type of therapy has been around for centuries and is becoming increasingly popular due to its effectiveness in helping people find relief from their emotional struggles.

Benefits of Art Therapy

  • No artistic background is required. Everyone is welcome to join in the fun.
  • A safe space to express your feelings and emotions without using words.
  • No need to learn or practice any skills; just pick up a brush and start painting.
  • No judgments here, just pure self-expression.
  • Suitable for all age groups, from children to adults. Making it easy for everyone to use and enjoy.

Roles of Art Materials in Art Therapy
Art Therapists and clients set the goal and decide the type of art materials at this stage. The therapist may sometimes select the size and texture of paper, specific paint, brushes, or a particular clay to facilitate self-expression, complement therapeutic goals, or address individual preferences. 

Different Techniques in Art Therapy

  • Drawing
  • Painting
  • Mix media
  • Mandala
  • Mask making
  • Clay
  • Collage
  • Puppet making
  • Pouring technique

How do people think Art Therapists conduct a session? 

  • Teaching painting with personalized lessons to develop your skills.
  • Give feedback on your artwork.
  • Teach how to draw and creatively project thoughts.
  • Asses your sentiments and feelings through your work of art.

What art therapists do?

  • Provide a safe and supportive space to explore your emotions and find clarity.
  • Help unlock your creative potential and use art to gain insight into yourself.
  • Support your needs and goals.
  • Present various types of methods to express your emotions creatively.

What clients are saying


I sought out Madhu post-COVID for my sensitive, introverted, LD child, who was getting more and more withdrawn and refused mainline therapy. Madhu’s sensitivity in using my daughter’s love of art to bring about healing in her was something very real. There has been a visible and steady change in her; my daughter has transformed into a happy, confident, and empathetic person from a moody, withdrawn teen, not to mention the stunning body of art she has created in the process. ~ Molly’s Mother

Molly – Years of struggle with life and illnesses were taking a toll on my aunt as she approached her eighties. We felt that she was as strong and beautiful as always from within and should not lose her grip and zest for life. My aunt looks forward to her art therapy sessions with Madhu. Every week she creates a neat little work in her small drawing book that she carefully preserves. From fretting that she can’t draw to now quite liking her drawings, the journey has been fruitful.

Geetika Sasan Bhandari

The best thing I can say about Madhumita is that she really knows how to work with people of different ages, cultures, and nationalities and bring out the best in them–adults and children alike. She has kindled a desire in my children for Art and literally sparked off a latent talent in one of them, so much so that they have become self-motivated and grown to love the subject. I cannot thank Madhu enough for this–to generate a love for and then keep children, especially teenagers, interested in anything that doesn’t involve a gadget is a feat in itself and bears testimony to her brilliance as a teacher and an artist.

Lagos, Nigeria

 Ivy Shu

Madhu is a wonderful teacher who not only guides you patiently in exploring watercolor as a medium, but also helps you find your own style, and continues to challenge you in painting, not to mention she is super kind, friendly, and warm, making her classes truly enjoyable!


Vandana Kaushal 

I am not an art person, let’s say a layman in Art but since I saw your Art it made so much sense to me as it is so colourful and therapeutic in a way that when I look at it, it feels like it takes the tiredness and worries away.
Madhu your Art work is still hanging on the walls of my house and is still as fresh as it was.
Thank you for making my home colourful n live with your art🥰🥰

Lagos, Nigeria

Raman Chand

It was such an enriching experience to participate in virtual Mandala Art Therapy classes with my gracious Art teacher – Madhumita Mishra. Mandala in Sanskrit means a circle implying that we always get back to where we began, hence the saying, “Once a man, twice a child”. I am deeply grateful for the exposure to this wonderful Mandala art therapy.

Alpha Panda

Pandemic has affected both the mental and physical conditions of each one of us. Thank you, Madhumita for taking care of my mental condition by making me play with colours, have a heart to heart conversation, and giving those amazing therapies. Truly owe you!!!

New Delhi, India

Ritika Prasad

Madhumita has an aura of positivity, so when we as a group decided to go for Art Therapy sessions with her, it was a huge hit.

From being so scared of holding a paintbrush to now a super happy person, who looks up to drawing and colours and art, it has been an incredible journey for me.
Thanks a ton, Madhumita for bringing out the artist in me and the level of healing in self and soothing art therapy sessions.

Los Angeles, USA

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